1% Realty to Save Money on your Home Sale

Are you thinking about selling your home soon? Is keeping as much of your equity as possible on the top of your mind? You can save money by working with a 1% commission realty.

A couple of years ago, we started thinking about selling our home. We did what most people do- looked for homes online that we like, then looked for an agent.

I interviewed a few agents – some recommended by my friends and neighbors, and some that I found by a simple google search.

All but one of the agents I interviewed offered the same thing- the same services for the same full 3% listing fee. Only one we discovered at the time was willing to negotiate their fee. This didn’t seem right to me. 

Why can’t everyone access a 1% commission real estate agent?

I was a home builder and acted as the seller agent for over 10 years. You can sell a house without a license, but you cannot list your home for sale on the MLS without a real estate license. So, I did what most builders do, and I found an agent to list my homes.

At this point, I became privy to a little known secret- real estate agents can, and in fact do lower their commission fee. It’s also done regularly for home builders. 

So, back to when I was going to sell my home most recently. I thought to myself,

If agents can lower their commission for a home builder, why can’t commission be lowered for homeowners?

I knew from my experience as a builder, the primary way homes are sold today is on the internet.

This is also backed up by research from the National Association of Realtors. Buyers find their home 52% of the time on the internet, and 29% through their realtor.  It seemed to me that with all of the advantages that the internet offers, that listing fees should be lower.

I began exploring this question more, and came to the answer. I wanted to fix this problem by making sure regular homeowners just like you and me could get the same pricing as what I enjoyed as a builder. 

Listing for 1% commission saves your home equity 

On average, homeowners sell their homes about every 7 years. Average homes in the Edmond, Oklahoma area are valued at $275,000. This means that after 7 years, you’ve potentially built up in equity in your home. Wouldn’t you want more of your equity to apply toward your next home purchase?

So, back to how this story all began. I encourage everyone to find a realtor that suits their needs, and research your options. If you’re someone that is looking to sell your home and save money, then a 1% agent will be a good fit. Read more about JMR Realty 1% full service options here.

We are a full service real estate broker, and we promise to treat you with the respect you deserve. 

If you have any questions, or are ready to sell or buy your home please contact us.

Jimmy Hughes

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